Sponsorship Opportunities


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Since 2013 the Word Conference has served the Christian community, investing in pulpit and pew concerning the reliability, relevance, and revelatory Word of God. We find ourselves at a crucial time in the history of the Church. Postmodernism pervades our society, carrying the notion that the Bible cannot be trusted. The Bible increasingly is no longer considered authoritative and the foundation of life and practice. What would Christianity be without the Bible? What is life without the Living Word? Who will provide the answer to the human plight apart from Christ and His Word?

The Word Conference provides a vital service by;

- Empowering attendees to be confident in scripture, giving them strength to declare and live the Word with conviction.

- Offering sessions that provide a high view of scripture and encourage the spiritual development of its attendees.

- Demonstrating preaching and teaching with conviction by speakers who are passionate and committed to God’s people and the communication of His Word.

- Promoting meaningful conversations around the challenges of 21st-century ministry.

This June 1-3 we gather virtually and in-person, around the theme, “The Bible Still Speaks”. We’ll focus on ways to let the Bible Speak in our relationship with God and in preparing and proclaiming the Word. We’ll also delve into key issues affecting today’s church and the biblical perspective. It’s our intention that Word Conference 2021 is a transformative experience for all who attend.

The Word Conference cannot fulfill its mission without the generous support of our sponsors, people like you, who understand the urgent need for environments, education, and resources that promote Biblical literacy, understanding, and application.

Your investment, whether large or small matters.

It matters to the effectiveness of the church as we engage in the ministry of reconciliation. It matters in the equipping of leaders and laity who stand on the Truth of Scripture and withstand the pressure to conform to the culture. Will you commit to financially supporting Word Conference 2021? Whether as an individual, church or business, the Word Conference values your partnership.

Together, we can impact the world.

For questions or custom sponsorship opportunities contact Kyla at 1wordconf@gmail.com.